Like Mozart’s variations on “Ah vous dirai-je Maman” is used in Castle S2E2
Like woodpeckers love cracked corn from a bird feeder
Or the grass in the beautifully manicured lawns of the rich is
very weak
People don’t want to hear useless shards of knowing
Like the difference between the howl of a coyote and the cry
of a wolf
Or the most beautiful sunsets are viewed in Arizona
Or the seed I bought probably won’t sprout because of what
was done to it
Like the jackalopes at Texas Roadhouse use bunnies instead
of jack rabbits which are actually hares
Or art imitates life, but rarely the other way around, and
then to the detriment of those who practice it
Or there’s at least five ways to do a thing and you have
more choices than you know
No one wants to know what I know, especially in the middle
of a news cast spitting erroneous information, or at a concert whispered
mistakes, or a long trip reading signs
Now you know I know things, but they don’t know I know.
You know?
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