All that I have to tolerate

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I am a highly sensitive person. I have always known that, but it took reading about in psychology articles to realize that it’s really a thing.

Because of that I have to tolerate things most people don’t seem to mind:



Bright lights



Intense movies

Loud music

Constant motor sounds


Repetitive percussive sounds



Any change in plans


Add to that the things I have to tolerate because my personality bends toward INFJ:



Personal Drama

Large gatherings

Noisy animals

Boasting/Preening/Pretending you are someone you are not

Ignoring of facts

Performing (without benefit of a stage)


I realize this is negative, but the only way I have been able to tolerate the things that bother me (and many times they bother me deeply) is God.

God has given me strength to raise children, discipline, teach in the classroom, give workshops, be a reporter for the newspaper, be an editor for the newspaper, organize and attend book signings, head clubs and gatherings, have lots of people over for a graduation or birthday party, be a cashier, attend family reunions, weddings, funerals …

God is amazing. No matter what our weaknesses are, He is there to help us through whatever needs to be done.

Thank you, God.

“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9


Read more thoughts on the word Tolerate.


Then take a minute to check out my novel, The Porch.






  1. Amen!
    P.S. I just started reading your novel and it has really drawn me right in.

    1. Awesome! That is so great to hear! Thank you!

  2. My wife really don't understand
    the things I tolerate,
    like hip-hop and stuff that's unplanned,
    and a sagging gate
    that squeaks and groans across the ground
    every time it's moved,
    but the truth that I have found
    is that life ain't improved
    by the constant yearning search
    for some gold perfection,
    and when I find I start to lurch
    in that vague direction,
    I raise a toast to what is true
    and have myself another brew.

    Your book looks interesting.

    1. You're right. There are only so many hours in the day and the house will never be completely fixed up, there will always be another leak, another loose shingle ... you mow the lawn and it's only good for a day or two, then the grass insists on growing at different rates around the property and the call to mow begins again ... Thank you for the perspective. Blessings!

  3. I empathise with many of those traits too!
    Will have to check your book out.
    Your FMF Neighbour #7

  4. Replies
    1. NO way! LOL. Great to know I'm not alone in the world! Blessings!

  5. His grace is sufficient in our weakness. Isn't this so true! Yet how often do we try to control it ourselves? Congratulations on your book. #11


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