Friday, March 22, 2024

Die, Blame, Die



Who could blame him

I sure wouldn’t blame you if you did

My bad

Mea culpa

“I, I am to blame.”

I didn’t do it, but they blame me

Well, they have to blame someone, otherwise they would feel the guilt of it themselves


So much blame in the world

So much vengeful speaking

And all because we don’t like what happened, we don’t want that thing to happen ever again, so if we blame someone we can walk away and leave it there, leave the person, leave the event, leave that moment in time.


Thank God that He sent Jesus to take all that blame.

I am forgiven.

Now I can forgive.


And when I forgive …

Blame dies


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  1. Mea culpa, mea culpa,
    I'm to blame for this dark curse,
    but I've been to Tegucigalpa,
    and some things are a whole lot worse
    than what you mighta thunk you done,
    or what you had forgot to do.
    Some places just aren't loads of fun
    'specially when going through
    the smelly armpit of the place
    looking for what I will not tell.
    Life back in The World is grace,
    so don't make it a living hell
    by seeking out free-floating blame
    to assuage a First World shame.

    1. Wow! Amen! You sure have a gift. This is awesome. Blessings on your weekend!

  2. "And when I forgive …
    Blame dies"

    Amen! Well said.

    1. Thank you! Thanks for visiting. Have a great day!

  3. oh, I like that! Well written. My heart feels lifted! FMF14

  4. Forgiveness is the solution isn't it?

  5. This>>"
    And when I forgive …

    Blame dies." Is so true. Amen and Amen. You sure spoke to the heart of the matter.

  6. Excellent! You said that a whole lot more succinctly and graciously than I! Thank you.


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