To rewind or not to rewind


“Be Kind. Rewind.” – Blockbuster Video


Sometimes it’s good to think about other’s feelings and back up a bit for them to either catch up or to stay with them where they are.

But rewinding always means replaying will follow.

And replaying is sometimes not a good thing. Replaying a hurt someone gave you. Replaying an accident when it’s probably time to move on. Replaying a tragedy because you feel the need to feel the feelings over and over.

God tells us to remember the former things, the things He has done for us, the ways He has protected us, the bad things He has brought us through.

God also tells us to keep moving forward, keeping our eyes on Jesus, keeping the hope of heaven alive in our hearts and minds, following Him to the next job He has for us.


The balance is the challenge. God give us wisdom to know when to move on and when to pause and consider.


And my five minutes are up even though there’s so much more to say!

Join me with other writers sharing thoughts about live, God, and things at Five Minute Friday.

1.      Write a post

2.      Share it to your blog

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4.      Link your blog post to the FMF page

5.      Relax and read other writers’ thoughts on the same subject.

6.      Smile and know you got some writing done today AND you have proof!






  1. I agree, we need to look back sometimes to learn from the past but it's not helpful to fixate on it. I once heard someone suggest that it's like driving - most of the time you're looking forward, concentrating on where you are trying to go, but a glance in the rear-view mirror can be helpful from time to time too.

  2. I’m afraid I lean more to the looking back than I do to the moving on especially reliving mistakes I’ve made or hurts I’ve caused. Thanks for the reminder of them importance of balance and remembering God plan. Your #fmf neighbor Cindy

  3. I have a cycle I go through ... regretting for a bit, then pulling myself out of it (walking, writing, praying) ... then looking forward. I guess I do both. Thank you for visiting!


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