Friday, July 8, 2022


20 Thousand blessings and more

19 ways to praise God with all my heart

18 jobs, babysitting, retail, reporting, editing, tutoring, teaching, playing organ and piano for church, directing choir, substituting, barista-ing, ad design, serving, writing, all great learning experiences,

17, my favorite age, so much freedom in driving, living, friends, school, band, choir, dances, dates, hanging out with friends, pool parties, joys and sorrows shared, new experiences, new challenges

16 places I’ve lived, wonderful homes with my parents, on my own, with my husband, with my family, full of love and joy

15 more states to visit to reach my goal of visiting all 50

14 different methods of writing and learning more

13, my lucky number, if I believed in lucky numbers, which I don’t

12 prayer partners, ready to pray with me at any time

11 mentors, all caring for my well-being, my faith journey, my decisions, my life, to whom I am forever grateful

10 reps, strengthening my body for the job ahead

9 babies, 2 in heaven, 7 living their lives to the fullest

8 go-to preachers, challenging how I look at God, the Bible, my salvation, my responsibilities

7 children raised and grown, growing in love, experience, trials, successes, family

6 projects waiting to be completed. Actually, there’s way more, I just needed something for number 6.

5 garden beds rebuilt, reworked, recycled, some successful, some complete failures

4 states of residence, each with its unique flavor, laws, ways of speaking, words, culture

3 in 1 – Father, Son, Holy Spirit, forever and ever, my Father, my Savior, my Guide and Comforter

2 are stronger than one, for when one falls the other can help, 2 people, 1 marriage

1 God, 1 husband for life, 1 faith, 1 baptism, 1 destination, 1 purpose


  1. Thanks for reading everyone! :o)

  2. How wonderfully creative - loved reading this and noticed that you've called quite a few addresses home too and that you've also got some babies waiting for you in heaven. We've got four in heaven - nine living their fullest and five of those adopted - God's way of bringing Africa to us. God bless. Britta - FMF #27

    1. That's awesome. Children teach us so much ... every day ... God bless you and your family!

  3. Love this. Thank you for sharing.
    FMF #28

  4. Very Creative way to use the prompt and at times humorous (#6), loved learning about you this way!

    1. Thank you! So glad you came to visit! Blessings!

  5. This is a great compilation of blessings. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from FMF, #25 this week.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! Blessings on your day ~


The weight on my shoulders

analogicus - pixabay   The weight of the world The weight of the moment The weight of influence   Question: Weight? Answer: (Here’s ...