A muscle car showing off
A truck downshifting (jake brake)
The wolf call in every horror movie ever made
The owl hoot in every dark forest movie scene
A train whistle from far away
A hawk scream
Crickets on a summer evening
A siren
The roar of a motorcycle gang on the highway
An electric saw from behind the neighbor’s garage door
Crows in the corn field
Popcorn on the stove, in the microwave, at the theatre
A distant dog bark during an awkward silence
A fresh coke fizzing
The pop of a champagne bottle opening
The high pitch from a boiling tea kettle on the stove
The drone of a single engine airplane
The rev or a jet
Heated air pushed into a hot air balloon
A pig squeal
Cattle mooing and cowboys yelling
Foot steps on gravel
The step on a loose floorboard
A door slam
The elongated bent whistle of a train passing by
A tree falling in the woods
Rain on pavement
A cat yowl
Rain on a tin roof
A water fall
A battleship alarm
A cruise ship horn
A tractor in the field
An airplane engine revving up on the runway
Old chugging steam engine
Snow plow clicking along the highway
The Girl from Ipanema playing in the elevator
An oozing saxophone in a sleezy mystery movie
The bottle cap popping of a bottle of soda
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