Friday, February 9, 2024


We are what we consume. 

It starts by watching one show on HULU and then the next one, until I’m officially binging, and my afternoon is gone. 

It was only one day I slept in because I had a bad night, a storm, an accident, a family emergency, and now I find myself sleeping in every day and feeling like nothing is getting accomplished. 

It starts small, just a few chips, just something to tide me over until my lunch is finished cooking, and there goes half the bag. 

And then there’s the busy day that pushes out my regular Bible study. After a week I find it is really hard to get back to my morning meeting with Jesus. 

It begins with a celebration, or baking a gift for someone, or thanking a friend for a present of goodies, and now I’m off track with my diet and I’m sluggish, slow, and brain fuzzed. 

It starts with giving myself permission to take the day off from exercising because I feel poorly, or I’m sore from the day before, or I have a big list of errands I want to get through. That day turns into the next and the next and now I want to get back on schedule, but it feels like I’m starting over again. 

It’s hard to stay on course for me and not get disheartened and bored. I know I feel better if I stick to consuming the things that keep me healthy, mind, soul, body. 

It seems I am learning the lesson over and over that we are what we consume.

Thank you FMF for the opportunity to share my thoughts!


  1. or we need to consume less... and not give up when we mess up completely.... every day is a new day and another opportunity to let God help us do better eh? As another FMF wrote... We need to be willing to be consumed for God's glory. FMF16

  2. What a wonderful message. Pausing to reflect on your words today.
    Visiting today from FMF #2

  3. it's hard to be consistent and disciplined with the things I consume, but my life is better and blessed when I do it. Good thoughts today. Visiting from FMF#18

  4. Amen! I totally agree. Thanks for visiting.


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