Friday, April 5, 2024



My mind is a jumble of things to write about.

Children out on spring break.

Things that are complicated.

Things I complicate myself.


When Kate said she had a special guest blogger in her email and then mentioned her child was on break and she was spending time with them, my brain put 2 and 2 together and came up with my own 7 – I assumed she would share a bit of her child’s writing.

But my brain is in creation mode, having been fighting editing for weeks on two projects. In creation mode I frequently put 2 and 2 together and get all sorts of answers.

I want to create!

And I want to read what my children are writing too! (which is secondary creating for me).

I am blessed to have read many of the things my children have written. In fact, further blessings, I was in a position (editor of the local paper) to publish some of my children’s columns. This is a triple blessing to an editor because: 1. Hey, my kid writes too! 2. They write really well and are entertaining, well, I think so, 3. More copy for page 4, Yay!

Two of my children were especially motivated to write for the paper – and they even named their columns – Poor College Kid and (I can’t remember, to be filled in later).


It is important to keep the good memories alive about our children. Things get tough and I worry too much about things I have no control over instead of trusting God to take care of them just like He always has.


Thank you, Kate, for reminding me of the good memories I have – lots of good memories.

Praise God!


There’s more Five Minute Friday sharings here - and the Guest Post Kate promised – check them out!


  1. I don't claim to be a writer,
    just put down what comes to mind,
    edit, get words slightly tighter
    and then I go and send it, blind
    into a place called Who Knows Where
    (perhaps someone will read the thing),
    but I can't say I really care;
    to finish was the great ka-CHING,
    because it says my brain's still here
    past all the fevers I have run,
    and these poems might make it clear
    that I'm a fool just having fun
    with meter, cadence and rhyme
    while I live on borrowed time.

    1. Love this poem! Thank you for sharing. I've said it before, but you have a beautiful gift, which includes the gift of encouragement, the gift of enlightenment, and the gift of insight. ... maybe even what my dad used to call "the gift of gab" ...

  2. I love reading what children write too - I have kept most of what my kids have written to me.

  3. How cool to have your children writing in your paper too.

  4. yay for a writer raising her own writers! How uncomplicated can that be eh? :) FMF2

    1. Yes! Actually, it's worse than that ... my grandmother was a writer and encouraged me by answering every letter I ever wrote her, and my mother has always been a writer and has finally finished her first novel. Go Mom! (she's 85)


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