I love what they've done with it



“Same,” she texted back.


Such a wonderful use of the word!



Or as concise as I need it to be.

I can always add more words, but in my effort NOT to overshare, same is the perfect word. In my efforts to let the other person talk it all out before I say anything, same is a wonderful way of acknowledging their feelings, telling them I understand a bit about what they are telling me, and they are not alone even though they might feel like they are.


Daughter: Ugh. My head. Must be the weather

Me: Same

… and now we can go back to our respective resting/medicating/napping/pushing through


Son: Made the bills again this month. Yay.

Me: Same. PTL! LOL!

… and now we know we are both struggling financially, but God is good.


In a world full of words and images, same is a respite from the noise.


Are you weary of so many words?






By the way, I wrote a book. Find it here. Thanks!

Then join us for FMF.




  1. It's only 4 letters but 'same' is a word which lets us know we are not alone in the daily challenges. I love what you did with this prompt.

    1. Thank you, Johanne. Yes, it's comforting to remember that there are lots of others going through the things I go through. Blessings!

  2. This is so good.
    Saving it to my favorites file.

    1. Awesome! I am honored to be in your favorites file! Blessings on your day!

  3. Your book's intriguing, and I have it saved for my next paycheque.

    1. Saweet!! I hope it encourages you and blesses you.


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