I have a choice


I have a choice

to stay in bed, or to get up

to work or to rest

to write or to read

to move or to be a couch-potato

to visit or not to visit

to believe that God works all things for my good or to believe God is out to get me

to do housework or let it pile up for the next day

to cook supper or get take-out

to mow or let the weeds grow and worry about the consequences later

to speak or keep my mouth shut


Most of the choices I make are based on consequences.

I pay my bills because I know what it’s like to get way behind and have things taken away.

I mow the grass because it’s difficult to walk in tall weeds, lots of bugs and sticky seeds, and I like to take long walks.

I keep my home tidy because a messy house gives me the feeling of frustration (and that voice of my mom telling me to clean my room).

I go shopping because I hate running out of the basics.

I do errands because I hate letting things go undone and piling up and causing me anxiety.


I read the Bible, pray, and study because if I don’t the darkness moves in, and my peace disappears.

I read books because I like to discuss them with friends.


I write because otherwise my brain is jumbled. Writing calms me. Writing is a place I put everything that I want to say but shouldn’t say out loud. Writing organizes my opinions and helps me see, in black and white, what I really think. Writing is like breathing.

Writing is life.




Thanks, Kate, for all your encouragement. Five Minute Friday is my happy place!





  1. Reading through all the choices you have listed confirmed for me that perhaps we do make 35,000 choices a day :) May we make wise and best choices today!

  2. Good point on writing. Choosing to put things into words forces us to recognise the reality of a situation. I suppose that is why God like us to pray - I'd never thought if that before!

  3. Writing is soothing! Thanks for sharing.

  4. i read the bible and prayer otherwise the darkness moves in. this... this... so true. FMF17

  5. So wonderfully spoken Rachel.

  6. I agree. Good point that our choices are so often determined by what we know the consequences will be. That's where experience counts!


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