Saturday, July 27, 2024

To rewind or not to rewind


“Be Kind. Rewind.” – Blockbuster Video


Sometimes it’s good to think about other’s feelings and back up a bit for them to either catch up or to stay with them where they are.

But rewinding always means replaying will follow.

And replaying is sometimes not a good thing. Replaying a hurt someone gave you. Replaying an accident when it’s probably time to move on. Replaying a tragedy because you feel the need to feel the feelings over and over.

God tells us to remember the former things, the things He has done for us, the ways He has protected us, the bad things He has brought us through.

God also tells us to keep moving forward, keeping our eyes on Jesus, keeping the hope of heaven alive in our hearts and minds, following Him to the next job He has for us.


The balance is the challenge. God give us wisdom to know when to move on and when to pause and consider.


And my five minutes are up even though there’s so much more to say!

Join me with other writers sharing thoughts about live, God, and things at Five Minute Friday.

1.      Write a post

2.      Share it to your blog

3.      Or share it on Facebook

4.      Link your blog post to the FMF page

5.      Relax and read other writers’ thoughts on the same subject.

6.      Smile and know you got some writing done today AND you have proof!





Friday, July 19, 2024

Make it work


Alexas_Fotos - Pixabay

What do you make of this Watson?

Make your own breakfast.

Don't worry. We'll make more!

What are you going to make? … an elephant? … wonderful!

We make our own luck. We move our own mountains.

Make a face.

Don’t make a mess.

Make something pretty.

We make our way in the world.

He will make everything turn out, you’ll see.

He will make a way.

He will make rivers in the wilderness.

He will make all things new.


Friday, July 12, 2024

Random thoughts on capacity

donauwood - pixabay


No more room. We’ve reached capacity.


I don’t have the capacity to do that.


You must eject when you reach capacity.


It is possible to make the font smaller, decrease the space between lines and letters, make the photos smaller, etc. But eventually you will reach capacity and that is all the information you can fit in this edition of the paper. Don’t touch the ads.


We looked at the closet and he said, “We have reached capacity. Something must go.”


I don’t think my computer has the capacity for that task.


That’s all the faster this vehicle will go. Don’t run it at capacity for too long or you will strain the motor.


He had an unlimited capacity to love people.


My stress level has reached capacity. I cannot take on another responsibility.


If you need something done, ask a busy person. Busy people have a huge capacity for responsibility (or so it seems).


In a world of limited capacity, it is comforting to know God’s provision has no limits, Jesus’ forgiveness has no limits, the Holy Spirit’s guidance has no limits.


The only thing limited is me.



Need a new summer read? Try my novel that came out last year. It is not well known, but lots of people have said they are impatient for me to write another. Thank you to my readers!

The Porch is about a young man who finds he belongs to a different family than the one he grew up in and how that all plays out.

Check out more Five Minute Friday sharing here or here.




Saturday, July 6, 2024

Do you have the specs?


Thank you linuxmail - pixabay

After a few months of writing for the local newspaper I became enamored with specifics. The more details I could pull out of an event, get from an interviewee, add to the color of my observations, the better.

And my readers commented on it.

But not in the way I expected. “Good story,” they would say in a general sort of way. “I was surprised so many people were willing to go on record,” or “It was like I was there.”

Or my favorite, “It sounds like you were there. Were you there? I didn’t see you.”

My favorite because, like all good journalists, I practiced invisibility. The best reporters are the ones that write the story in front of them, not the small portion of the story in which they were involved. Reporters who call attention to themselves miss the majority of what is going on. They miss the details.

They fail at the specifics.

But it’s a lot of work.

Specs on any job are vital and labor intensive.

Also time intensive.

And that’s why people don’t like doing it. Short cuts. Miscommunication. Mistakes.

In writing, as in life, specifics make a dull story come alive.

Be specific.




Come join me for Five Minute Friday. You can be late (like I was today – Saturday) and you get to be included in a group of lovely writers who support one another.

The weight on my shoulders

analogicus - pixabay   The weight of the world The weight of the moment The weight of influence   Question: Weight? Answer: (Here’s ...