









I ran away from these words. Fear of failure is a familiar emotion to me. If defeated I would quit, run away, disappear. There was no coming back from failure. There was no finishing the unfinished. An “incomplete” on any school paper would send me into shock. That wasn’t supposed to happen to me. Getting any grade less than a B was wrong, inexcusable, shameful.

Because I was convinced I was smart, and smarter than anyone else. If there was someone who was smarter or more gifted than I was, I felt it necessary to hate them.

Such a ridiculous way to exist. I loved my classmates, my friends. Why would I feel this way?

There was a mysterious training I received when I was young that defeat was inexcusable, shameful, impossible. To lose was not an option.

I don’t know why I was this way. I’m still unraveling my past. Perhaps it was because I was “a good girl” and “talented” and “pretty” and “smart” and “a straight A student.” It was said so much to me it became my identity.

Fortunately, God led me through many difficult times, places where I would be defeated, situations where I would fail, jobs given to me that would remain incomplete. He knew this huge lie that dominated my life was keeping me from serving Him.

I escaped, but in many instances, I was forced to stay, made to fix my mistakes, left alone to mend the broken bridges.


Soon I learned to love finishing projects. The feeling of completion was a better success than all the awards in the universe.

I still struggle with the lie of “failure is inexcusable.” But God has led me to see it’s not about me anyway, it’s about serving Him with what He has given me.


These thoughts are unfinished, and probably will be until I meet Him face to face.


“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9-10






  1. it's hard sometimes to let it go isn't it? The past we were raised with. FMF10

    1. Right. As my brother says, we were given a set of rules and expectations and we spend the rest of our lives relearning what God wants from us. Thank You, God, for being gentle!

  2. Some good insights here, Rachel.
    Loved "God has led me to see it’s not about me anyway, it’s about serving Him with what He has given me."

  3. I guess I really am a failure,
    and that's just the truth of it,
    but I'll tell you that I'm darn sure
    I am not about to quit,
    'cause this whole thing is a game,
    some you win and some you lose,
    and in the end both are the same,
    and it is left for you to choose
    the victor's lofty arrogance
    or the sore loser's creaky whine.
    You can't be sitting on the fence,
    for life does not give you the time
    to at ease make up your mind,
    and so you may as well be kind.

  4. As one perfectionist who’s trying not to be your words resonate so with me! You provide a needed reminder that it’s not about me!


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