A New Usually


Usually I get up early, like 5 or 6, make coffee and spend a little time with my hubby before he goes to work, read my Bible and pray, feed the cats, feed the fish, feed the sourdough starter, feed the plants, feed anything that needs feeding.

Usually I try to go for a walk every day. I want to continue to walk for as long as the Lord gives me days, so I practice.

Usually I hear from one of my children each day by text, sometimes on Facebook or Instagram.

Usually in August I have met with several homeschooling families and written reports for them, shared new goals, and cheered for all the work they’ve done during the year.

Usually I have a schedule of work and play, leaving and staying, writing and editing, laughing and crying, living in emotions and remaining stoic.

Usually I make a list for myself and cross off each thing as I do it.

These things give me joy, a sense of accomplishment, a purpose, a reason to wake in the morning.

But a lot has changed. Now I’m crafting a new usually. It’s harder than I thought.




When my Usually changes I go back to writing as a base. Here’s a book I wrote a long time ago for my fellow homeschoolers and their children. One classroom teacher I know still uses it. Maybe it could help you. Love to Write Everyday was tested and edited by about 75 educators and the published book is the result of all those edits. Yes, I sent out a lot of free thank-you copies!




  1. It is always hard to go through a change. I usually like my routine as well. But the Lord always works in mysterious ways. I don't always have a usual kind of day, and on those days, I have come to trust that He knows best. May you find unexpected blessings in your new "usual". I enjoyed this post!

  2. I enjoyed your post. Change is never easy, getting used to new routines, new ways of doing things. We do need change, or we can get stuck in a rut, but change can be difficult and challenging. God bless.

  3. Usually life's pretty quiet,
    and that is how I've managed,
    but I yesterday broke up a riot
    and ended up quite damaged.
    It kicked off rather suddenly
    but not before I came to know
    that there was a certainty
    that I would have to take a blow
    or maybe two, or many more,
    and that there was much that could go wrong
    if I opened up that door,
    but timid thoughts do not belong
    to one follows not his head,
    but leads off with his heart instead.

    1. Ah, yes, the occasional battle ... I find my heart wells up inside and I grab my "stick" and face it without thinking about the consequences. Then I spend two days recuperating! Have a great week!

  4. It is indeed hard to craft a new normal. Give yourself the time and grace to walk with this time eh? FMF16

  5. Blessings and Grace to you. Dawn #15


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