The History of Me

Cool unique auto in the Home Depot parking lot



World History

American History

The History of Language


Medical history

Family history

Work history


The History of Airplanes

The History of the Crows

The History of Fashion


My personal history is a tiny speck of dust within the history of the towns I lived in and the places I visited and the homes I slept in and the National Parks I walked in and the people I met or talked to or walked past or lived with or heard speak on the radio or in a pod cast or the professors and teachers who taught me or the preachers who saw me in their pews or the neighbors that observed me coming and going.

My health history is linked to my doctors and nurses, my children and husband, my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents.

My work history is bound to the places I labored and the people who labored with me and the bosses I was accountable to and the people who worked for me and my family and all the bill collectors, grocery stores, theaters, amusement parks, online stores, electric companies, mortgage companies that got their money because I worked.

The history of me is unlike any history of anyone else that ever existed on the face of the planet. There might be similarities or coincidences in some small way, a passing by for a day or a month or a year or two, but unique.

So when I write my history, I am writing something completely unique.

People will read it, not because it is so different, but because we are the same.

We share the same history individually in unique ways.


And that is the miracle of this crazy earth history that God created.


Read more histories at Five Minute Friday!


  1. It's so amazing how we are all so very different, unique, and yet we are quite connected and find so much in common within God's family. Visiting from FMF#10

  2. so very true isn't it? So unique and yet, so the same. FMF11

  3. "We share the same history individually in unique ways." So very true and interesting to think about. It's all in the way we process what is happening around us. May God give us all wisdom and discernment to know the times and make wise decisions.

  4. Liked "We share the same history individually in unique ways."


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