Friday, September 20, 2024

Does this really matter?

NoName_13 - pixabay

What does it matter?

Does that really matter to you?

Mind over matter.

All mind and no matter.

Everything is made up of matter.

You matter.

Matter equals importance.

Writing matters.

Reading matters.

Having skills to adult matters.

Working matters.

Serving matters.

Giving matters.

Speaking truth matters.

Jesus matters.

Jesus matters the most. But all the other things also matter because it is these things that God uses to bring us to Jesus.

The man I married mattered because he knew Jesus so we could raise our children knowing Jesus and the way we raised our children mattered because they continued in following Jesus and are now raising their children to know Jesus and follow Him.

The people I have encouraged, and been a small part of bringing to faith in Jesus, came into contact with me because of the work I did, or my interests, or where I was, or who we knew in common, or something they needed me for, or a myriad of other possibilities that God uses to bring people together to enact His will.

When I used to do assessments for home educators (part of Ohio laws) I told them, “Everything matters. Everything counts.” If they went to the park, it became an opportunity to discover new bugs (science), take a walk (physical education), clean up (environmental science), or get hurt and fix the hurt (first aid/health). Education should be practical.

By viewing our life like everything matters, we walk carefully, watching those we meet, taking a breath before we decide, thinking before we speak (even if it means we don’t get to speak).

God uses our lives to work His will. That’s one of the amazing things about God.

Does it matter? Yes, it does.





Friday, September 13, 2024

The Best Preserves

Nodrog1960 - pixabay


Food doesn’t last very long, so I try to preserve it. I have tried drying, freezing, canning and cultures. I’ve had good years and bad years. Recently, some of my cans have been expiring sooner than expected. Maybe it’s due to changes in temperature in the pantry, maybe it’s a mistake I made, maybe they’ve just reached the end of their goodness. It’s disheartening to have to throw out hard work, but, you know, better safe than sorry.

This year I decided it was best to freeze or refrigerate leftovers and skip the canning. I have also begun a tighter use cycle, and scheduling meals around a shorter expiration period. This has also led me to make smaller meals and check the freezers more often.

More work, less disappointments.

I’ve realized that no matter how hard I work at preserving food for the future, it will all eventually spoil.

Just like the earth I walk on.

I am thankful God doesn’t have the same problems. He doesn’t have to check batches to make sure they are still good. He doesn’t have to throw out mistakes. He isn’t disappointed in the results of His work.

Everything He has done is perfect. Everything He is doing is exquisite. Everything He will do will last forever.

He will preserve my soul for heaven. Praise God!



“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass.” – I Thessalonians 5:23-24


Friday, September 6, 2024

Youth is not wasted


I believe the memories of what I have done in my youth give me encouragement for what I can do in my old age.

Physically, things get more difficult. I need more time to recuperate from a long day of work. But I can still work. I can still walk. I can still serve.

I have more determination now than in my youth. I work smarter, not harder. I know way more short cuts that bring about the same desired results. I pay more attention to details. I move slower, but more efficiently. In fact, I probably get more accomplished now than when I was in my 20s.

Mentally, I find I must limit my time with social media, television, and other media. Entertainment is faster, flashier, more rude, more crude, more disrespectful of everything, and more intense. It creates conflicting emotions, stress, and chaos in my brain. So much confusion!

But reading now is faster, recollection is more accurate, understanding is deeper. Puzzles seem easier because I have more patience. Painting, crocheting, drawing, writing, all seem more enjoyable because the shadow of competition is gone.

Emotionally, I am much more stable, more dependable, more accepting of others’ faults, more compassionate, and a little wiser in the ways of people. I don’t fall for manipulation, intimidation, or domination like I used to.

Spiritually, I spend more time in God’s Word. I spend less time being a seeker in other ways of spirituality. I study the masters (Luther, Tozer, Lewis, Henry, favorite preachers, etc.), but spend more time with The Master.

I pray more because I have more to pray about, more people to pray for.

I still stink at memorizing, always have, but the passages I need in conversation or writing come to mind. If I am searching the Scriptures, I can find what I am seeking much faster because I know where it might be.

I crammed a lot of life into my youth, made lots of mistakes, and fixed some of them. Now I take my time and do the jobs God gives me.

And service is much more enjoyable. Thank You, Jesus!


“Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.” – Psalms 103:5




The weight on my shoulders

analogicus - pixabay   The weight of the world The weight of the moment The weight of influence   Question: Weight? Answer: (Here’s ...