Friday, July 22, 2022


Give me a chance.

Got to chance it.

What were the chances?

It was a chance meeting.

How do humans define chance?

Do animals even worry about chance?

We know they took a chance.

Unforeseen chance -

A chance of friendship -

And chance at love -

Take a chance on me.

Chance of a lifetime -

Are you Chanced Out?

Brave enough to take a chance -

The rare chance that comes around once in a lifetime -

I love my chance -

Chance Out (you are out of chances)

Chance Envy (jealousy that rears its ugly head when someone gets the chance that you wanted, but you passed up the chance)

With God there are no chances. He puts opportunities in your path. If He wants you to do a certain thing and you pass it up or miss it somehow He will give you another opportunity to do the same service, to learn the same lesson, to get closer to Him.



  1. It's reassuring that with God there is always a second chance (and often a third and a fourth...) Visiting from FMF #6.

    1. Yes! Thank you for visiting Lesley! Blessings ....

  2. We talk, but do we walk the walk
    when we cross life's rushing stream,
    leaping thus from rock to rock
    as we chase the glowing dream?
    Some are mossy, some are wet,
    and the footing isn't sure;
    is what's chanced what we will get?
    Is this payment that's secure,
    or do our risks have higher cause
    than an Earthly ledger book?
    Subject to some higher laws,
    does God smile, and take a look
    that He may mark up our faith
    to a bright and holy grace?

  3. It's all a risk, with those chances; but life takes them again and again! FMF 15


The weight on my shoulders

analogicus - pixabay   The weight of the world The weight of the moment The weight of influence   Question: Weight? Answer: (Here’s ...