Friday, August 5, 2022


TOGETHER – another fun day at FMF!

I’m an introvert. Extreme introvert.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t like being with people, especially my family.

It’s just better together.

And after the togetherness, and I have to take a break from the noise, I think back and feel wonderful

Because we were together.

Together with my Turany family at the cabin by the lake, fishing, watching my dad smoke bass, eating lots of good food, taking naps when I wanted.

Together with my immediate family, camping, going on lots of trips to the ocean, Yellowstone, Canada, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, Prescott, Mexico, Wisconsin Paulsen Country, swimming, eating lots of good food, trying out the new restaurants in Phoenix, shopping, reading, cooking.

Together with my brother going on adventures in the neighborhood, catching lizards, building Indian ruins in the back yard, playing in the water on irrigation day.

Together with my best friend, Connie, talking at her house for hours until her brother told us to shut up, learning crocheting and macrame, swapping hamsters, surviving grade school.

Together with my best friend, Cathy, in high school, marching and concert band, fending off the evil note writers, walking around campus, NOT talking about classes, going to swimming parties and Farrol’s Ice Cream Parlor.

Together with my small support crew in college, Cindy, Edith, Steve, Bill, Mark, Vicky, Kim, … commiserating about the tough classes, joking about the professor who thought he was god, visiting each other’s houses, eating meals together, watching everyone else get engaged.

Together with my best friend and husband, planning life, doing fun things, raising kids, taking trips, struggling with bills, rent, mortgage, job loss, sickness, troubles, fears … life.

Together is what I look forward to – all my best friends together again – in the final happy home.


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  1. What a lovely picture-painting post! Thank you for sharing.
    Just stopped by from FMF #14

  2. Not really a social beast,
    that's the norm where I come from,
    and it seems the very least
    thing I like's to be among
    others beside wife and dogs;
    no soirees, they're not for me.
    I'd rather be out splitting logs,
    and thinking 'bout their fam'ly tree.
    Here it's ponderosa pine,
    nobly standing on the slope,
    where the rain and sun refine
    the branches that reach up in hope
    and solitary splendour rules
    for trees, and for human fools.

    1. Thanks for visiting! We have ponderosa pines growing along our driveway. We were given them from the visitors center in Williams AZ. The gentleman told us they would not grow in Ohio, but they are 15 feet tall!

  3. Yes, it's wonderful to be together, and I think after the limitations of the last couple of years I appreciate it more. Visiting from FMF#10.

  4. Time with people that we care for is priceless!

    FMF #18

  5. So many happy together memories, with the best together time to come!

    1. Amen! What a day that will be! We will need eternity to catch up and meet all the saints we've been reading about. Can't wait!


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