Friday, May 10, 2024



Someday this office will be organized instead of a room dedicated to stashing stuff that has no other home.

Someday I will paint the bedroom and cover the aging white wallpaper.

Someday I will stick to my plan of walking every day.

Someday I will travel back to Phoenix.

Someday my kitchen cabinets will be made of real wood and not warped pressboard.

Someday my clothes will fit.

Someday I won’t hurt so much.

Someday old friends will visit me.

Someday my house will be clean as a pin.

Someday this situation will be resolved, and I can have peace in my life.

Someday I will get flowers.

Someday worry will be gone … and anxiety … and irritability.

Someday I will stop practicing invisibility.

Someday I will be peaceful and calm.

Someday I will sit on a grassy hillside overlooking a beautiful City and talk to Him, no interruptions, no feeling guilty for not working, only pure joy.

Someday none of my wishes will matter –

Because I will have arrived.



check out more somedays at Five Minute Friday

Have a great day!


  1. Someday I will have a shop
    where all the tools are in their places,
    and of oil and sawdust slop
    there of course will be no traces.
    Someday all the saws will be
    all bright and sharp and sparkle clean,
    and when that comes Barb promised me
    a five-axis milling machine!
    So, you see, I have incentive
    to get down, go cleaning-crazy,
    but the thing is, I'm inventive
    at finding ways of being lazy,
    and so for now I guess I will
    go on with drill press as my mill.

    1. Nice poem! Love it! "inventive at finding ways of being lazy ..."

  2. So very true. Someday none of what takes place here will matter at all. For someday we will be with Him!

  3. Your list of "someday"s made me smile because I can so relate.
    Loved "Someday none of my wishes will matter –

    Because I will have arrived."


The weight on my shoulders

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